
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 535 [Read full issue]

Lustful Gaze

Many of us who are used to watching Sinbad or Temptation Island, or are addicted to Hollywood/Bollywood movies, or enjoy the company of people of opposite gender, may wonder what’s wrong with lustfully staring at the attractive features of the opposite gender? Perhaps one saying of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sums it all:

"The furtive glance is one of the poisoned arrows of Shaytan, on him be God's curse. Whoever forsakes it for the fear of Allah, will receive from Him (Great and Gracious is He) a faith, the sweetness of which he will find within his heart." (al-Haakim.)

Therefore, a secret lustful look at a person of opposite gender has been compared by the Prophet (pbuh) to an arrow from Shaytan that:

  1. poisons our hearts
  2. ruins our intentions
  3. gives rise to false hopes and desires
  4. distorts our perception of 'reality'
  5. deprives us from enjoying and concentrating in Prayers
  6. gives rise to constant feeling of guilt and depression
  7. sometimes leads to sleepless nights
  8. renders our heart weak for continuous Shaytanic attacks
  9. promotes hypocrisy
  10. weakens our memory
  11. eventually leads to Zina (adultery)
  12. above all, diminishes our love for and fear of Allah

Compiled From:
"Watch Out for The Arrow" - Young Muslims Publications [Download and Distribute]