Understanding The Prophet's Life
From Issue: 549 [Read full issue]
Earning Love
Intelligent people are always hunting for opportunities to earn people's love.
Once Abdullah ibn Masud - may Allah be pleased with him - was walking with the Prophet, peace be upon him, and as they walked by a tree, the Prophet asked him to climb the tree and break off a twig to clean his teeth with. Ibn Masud climbed up the tree, since he was very slim and small, and began to break off a twig. Meanwhile, the wind blew, blowing his garment and exposing his shins that were very thin and bony. When people saw this, they laughed.
At that point, the Prophet said, "What are you laughing at, the thinness of his shins? By Allah, they are heavier than Mount Uhud in the Scales!" [Ahmad]
How good must Abdullah ibn Masud have felt when the Prophet defended and praised him after the people had laughed at him?
Compiled From:
"Enjoy Your Life"- Muhammad 'Abd Al-Rahaman Al-"Arifi, pp. 440, 441