
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 568 [Read full issue]


Once Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, borrowed dates from a Sahabi (a companion). The Sahabi returned when he needed dates for himself, but the Prophet did not have any dates to return to him.

So he asked an Ansari (a companion from Madinah) to help him. The Ansari went home and returned the dates to the Sahabi. But the Ansari's dates were not of the same quality as the dates originally given by the Sahabi, and the Sahabi refused to accept them.

The Ansari was very annoyed and they went to the Prophet together. The Ansari said to the Sahabi, "Aren't you embarrassed to reject something given by the Prophet of Allah?"

The Sahabi immediately retorted, "If the Prophet of Allah does not bring justice to us, where shall we go for justice?"

When the Prophet heard this, tears came to his eyes, and he said, "The Sahabi is right." So the Prophet struggled until he could repay the loan to the Sahabi's satisfaction.

[Targhib wa at-Tarhib, Vol. II]

Compiled From:
"Stories of the Sirah: Part V" - Abidullah Ghazi and Tasneema Ghazi, p. 9