


From Issue: 569 [Read full issue]

Genuine Concern

A genuine concern for society and compassion towards fellow human beings aids in shaping a right frame of mind and attitudes that are required for co-existence, interaction, co-operation and positive contribution.

Being solely concerned with the immediate needs and issues of the Muslim community, without giving due regard to mainstream issues, cannot earnestly cultivate a genuine concern for society. Also, indifference to one's own society, whilst engaging in activities that revolve around issues in Muslim countries, in the Middle East for example, cannot logically win significant support or respect for Islam. Of course, an awareness of what's happening in Muslim countries is undoubtedly important since Muslims are part of a world-community. However, this should not by any means distract attention away from the immediate environment in which one lives. Thus, anyone who has a concern for humanity cannot really remain detached or indifferent to societal issues and problems.

Compiled From:
"Building a New Society" - Zahid Parvez, pp. 232, 233