


From Issue: 589 [Read full issue]


Question may arise whether the Prophet's Isra (Night Trip) and Miraj (Ascension to heaven) was spiritual or physical or both. We can only say that if one's belief in the free, limitless power and potency of God is firm and unshakable, then the question at issue lose much of their interest. Whether the Night Trip or the stupendous Ascent were spiritual or physical, the two events were of the greatest significance and confirm that this honour upon the Prophet by his Lord acclaims him as a Divine Prophet.

Its impact upon Makkah was enormous. Some persons, who lacked belief and imagination and therefore could not conceive of the possibility of the two unusual events, became so shocked that they reportedly lapsed into apostasy. Only Abu Bakr refused to be overwhelmed by the extraordinary nature of the two achievements. When he was first told about the incident, he replied, 'By Allah, if he had said it, he must be truthful for I have believed him in his claims that revelation descends upon him from Heaven during the night. This latter matter is by far greater than what you are now wondering about.' Abu Bakr's reply showed his acute perception and natural common sense. Because of this incident, Abu Bakr was called 'As-Siddiq' - the one who affirms the truth.

Compiled From:
"The Makkan Crucible" - Zakaria Bashier, pp. 188, 189