


From Issue: 597 [Read full issue]

One Special Good Deed

What is the ONE special good deed that you’d want to remember your Ramadan with this year? Something you’ve never done before, something you’ve pushed yourself beyond your means and out of your comfort zone to achieve! If there’s nothing that comes to mind, this is the time to rush and make sure you make this Ramadan truly memorable for your soul by doing something extraordinary this Ramadan! 

Here are some ideas:

  1. Go for Itikaaf.
  2. Take out your wallet and give the largest ONE donation you’ve ever given in your life to a charitable cause.
  3. Forgive that ONE person you said you’ll never ever forgive. 
  4. Get to know a poor family and vow to sponsor them as long as you live.
  5. Feed 100 fasting people!

& there are lots more you can do...

What is it going to be for you? 

Something that can make this Ramadan truly special. Think about it then take action!

Compiled From:
ProductiveRamadan.com, ProductiveMuslim