


From Issue: 598 [Read full issue]

Dealing with grief on Eid

While Eid is definitely a time of joy and happiness, it's also one of sadness for those who recall happy occasions with deceased family members. Whether we're experiencing this sadness ourselves, or know someone who is, grief is something we can't ignore.

Pray to Allah (Dua)

Why not use Eid to make Dua and remember deceased parents? As well, why not use it as an occasion to visit and show respect to their relatives and friends? This will alleviate some of the pain of missing them on an occasion when families get together and celebrate.

Avoid Isolation

Personal grief isn't just connected to the death of a loved one. It could be related to family problems, losing a job, failing grades or more. In this case, the need to get together with others on Eid is even more important. The key is to avoid isolation on a happy occasion. If you have a family member or friend who is suffering through such problems, inviting them over on Eid day can lift their spirits. This can help them break the cycle of depression and hopelessness they may be going through. Offer them words of Dua, hope and comfort which can also help them cope with their difficult situation.

This Eid, if you see someone suffering, try to comfort them. We must make a special effort to help anyone in need, and Eid day, which is a happy occasion, is an excellent occasion to do so.

Compiled From:
Dealing with grief on Eid” – SoundVision.com