


From Issue: 600 [Read full issue]

Taking Charge

Tazkiya (Purification of the Soul) is a highly personal process and it demands taking personal responsibility for carrying it forward. You can only see the results of Tazkiya through your own realization, your own personal efforts, and your own exertions. No one else can purify your heart or soul for you. No organization, no leader, and no teacher can replace your own responsibility.

This sense of personal responsibility is basic to the whole purpose and approach of Islam. Ultimately, we are judged individually for discharging our own responsibilities. Some people allow themselves to be dictated by others. The Quran states that the weak will say on the Day of Judgment that they were forced into following the dictates of others, but Allah will reply that the excuse is not legitimate because the decision to deviate from the Straight Path was their own. Even Shaytan (Satan) will not take the blame for trapping us into evil!

Taking charge of your own affairs may certainly seem a daunting task, but one which you will accomplish with distinction if you appreciate and take advantage of the human potential Allah has blessed you with.

Compiled From:
"In the Early Hours" - Khurram Murad