


From Issue: 639 [Read full issue]

Elite and Commonalty

All immorality and disturbances in human social life proceed from two sources, from these two attitudes:

The first: Once my stomach is full, what do I care if others die of hunger?

The second: You work and I will eat.

The behaviour that perpetuates these two attitudes is the prevalence of usury or interest on the one hand and the abandonment of the Zakah on the other. The sole remedy for these two awful diseases can only be provided through implementing the Zakah as a universal principle and duty, and banning interest. The Zakah is an essential pillar, not only for individuals and particular communities, but for all of humankind, if they are to live a happy life. Humankind are usually divided into two classes; the elite and the commonalty. Only the obligation of the Zakah can arouse compassion and generosity in the elite towards the commonalty and respect in the commonalty towards the elite. In the absence of the Zakah, what will come to the commonalty from the elite is oppression and cruelty, and what will rise from the commonalty towards the elite is rancour and rebellion. That will give rise to a constant struggle and a constant opposition between the two classes, resulting finally in the confrontation of labour and capital.

Compiled From:
The Letters, "The 22nd Letter," Said Nursi, Vol 2, p. 74