


From Issue: 671 [Read full issue]

Hadith Forgery

Signs of Forgery: Forgery in Text

[continued from previous issue]

f) When a hadith is supposed to have been known to vast numbers of people and yet only one person has reported it. The fact that no one else has confirmed it is taken as a sign of forgery. An example of this is the so-called hadith that "Anyone who touches the sexual organ must take a fresh ablution." It is thus stated that if this were a true hadith, the entire umma would have known it and practised it. Since this is not the case, it is likely to be a forgery.

g) When the hadith in question promises a disproportionate reward or an exceedingly severe punishment for a small act that does not warrant the stipulated consequence. Note for example the report "anyone who says 'there is no God but Allah', Allah will create for him a bird with 70,000 tongues each of which speaks 70,000 languages and all will be praying for him."

These were some of the main, although not all, indicators of forgery in hadith. Those who are particularly learned in hadith may be able to detect signs of forgery in other ways that might be peculiar to their ability and understanding of the subject matter or their investigation. It is sometimes stated with regard to the category of hadith known as al-targhib wal-tarhib, that is, hadith which consists mainly of encouragement and warning - that forging this type of hadith does not deserve condemnation and total disapproval. In response to this it may be said that the ulama of hadith who made efforts to isolate the doubtful and corrupt elements from hadith did not make any exception of this kind. The reason for this is not difficult to see: one who fabricates hadith on one subject can also do that with another, and the effects of both are bound to be subversive by undermining the credibility of hadith generally. All forgery must therefore be denounced regardless of subject matter.

Compiled From:
"A Texbook of Hadith Studies" - Mohammad Hashim Kamali, pp. 78