


From Issue: 675 [Read full issue]


It is good to celebrate festive occasions, which is a human urge and a natural requirement. Islam, being the religion of nature, realizes the desirability of the celebration of joyous occasions with certain conditions. Islam does not desire that we should impose upon ourselves an artificial reserve and seriousness not warranted by the occasion, and wear a pensive look all the time, killing all the attractiveness in our personality. Islam gives us full permission to celebrate all legitimate festive occasions so as to enable us to remain fresh with ambitious desires, new and fresh hopes, and ever newer paths to tread. It is our ignorance of Islamic knowledge to assume that the celebration of certain occasions runs counter to the tenets of Islam.

If you have been privileged to fulfill some religious mission, i.e. Hajj; you or one of your close relatives has achieved a high position in learning; you have been blessed with success in business or achieved some monetary gains; you have distinguished guests visiting your home; you have a marriage or birth in your home; you have heard the news of the recovery of a relative from long illness; it is your natural right to celebrate such occasions, provided you remain within the social limits prescribed by Islam, and that you thank Allah for this happy occasion in your life. Islam not only permits merry-making, but it considers it quite in conformity with it.

Ka'b bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) says, when Allah accepted his repentance (i.e. Tawba for staying back from a Muslim military expedition) and he heard the good news, he immediately presented himself before the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and greeted him. The face of the Holy Prophet was at that time glowing with cheer, and whenever he used to be happy, his face glowed like the moon, and the companions would then understand from the glow of his countenance that he was in an extremely joyous mood.

Compiled From:
"Discipline For Muslim Youth" - S. M. Madni Abbasi, Vol. II