


From Issue: 676 [Read full issue]

Perfectionistic Parents

Instead of receiving encouragement and support from their parents, children of perfectionistic parents tend to receive only criticism, demands, and sometimes ridicule. Consequently, they often grow up feeling inadequate, incapable, awkward, or inept. Since they receive little praise or constructive guidance, their self-esteem is usually very low, and they have little faith in their own abilities. They are often overwhelmed with anxiety whenever they have to perform in any way, and this sets them up for failure. In addition, people raised by perfectionistic parents tend to suffer from any or all of the following problems:

  • A sense that they are valued for what they do instead of for who they are (doing versus being)
  • A tendency to be self-critical, never satisfied with themselves or their performance
  • A tendency to doubt themselves and to second-guess
  • An inability to identify and express their emotions
  • Compulsive behaviours (extreme dieting, overexercising, excessive cleaning)
  • Depression

Compiled From:
"Healing Your Emotional Self" - Beverly Engel, p. 51