


From Issue: 706 [Read full issue]


Pragmatism, adaptability and flexibility arise out of broad experience, balanced knowledge and thinking. The Prophet Muhammad and his faithful Companions constantly remained open-minded, outward looking and alert. They were flexible in their approach and had no hesitation to learn and relearn, and adapt to the changes occurring in the external social environment, whilst holding fast to their faith and principles. They prepared themselves for any threats, made use of opportunities and kept themselves fully informed of the developing situation in their society. They did not create mind-guards or become inward looking.

Enslavement to structures, bureaucratic procedures, language and ways of working was not part of their style or attitude. In fact, such attitudes and rigidity stifles creativity and innovation, and can lead towards stagnation. and even to decay. This is why Muslims are enjoined not to be rigid or follow anyone blindly. They must only abide by, and work within the framework of the beliefs and principles encoded in the sources of Islam, i.e. the Quran and Sunna. Principles of Islamic jurisprudence highlight that anything outside the basic sources of Islamic guidance, including the opinions of scholars, is not sacred and subject to change, improvement or modification.

Compiled From:
"Building A New Society" - Zahid Parvez, pp. 201, 202