


From Issue: 723 [Read full issue]

Busy Days

Some imagine that their days would be less busy in the future, that there would be fewer problems and obstacles, and that they will have more free time than during the past youth. However, experience shows quite the opposite, dear reader, so let me quote to you from the one who experienced that and concluded:

The older you get, the greater your responsibilities will be, the more relations you will have, the more restricted your time will be and the lesser your energy. Time is more restricted after youth, and one's body is weaker, health is less abundant, vitality is lower and duties and preoccupations are more numerous and more severe! Hence, make use of your time while it is available to you, and do not attach your heart to the unknown, for each stage has its own occupations, duties and surprises.

Some even stress the lack of days of happiness and the abundance of days of hardship:

They say life is all two days
One is pleasures and one is hardships
They were not truthful, for life is one day of happiness
And many days full of hardships and surprises

Compiled From:
"The Value of Time" - Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah, pp. 74, 75