
Living The Quran


From Issue: 572 [Read full issue]

Stand Up
Hud (Prophet Hud) Sura 11: Verse 116 (partial)

"Why were there not among the generations before you owners of wisdom restraining others from corruption on the earth, except a few of those whom We delivered from among them?"

This verse holds a mirror to the conduct of earlier communities. It forcefully and effectively remarks on their failings. So doing, the Quran reminds Muslims of their role as the leaders of mankind, their duty to reform and to enjoin good and forbid evil. Muslims will be held accountable on these counts.

Moral decay is like a fire raging through a community; it does not discriminate. People are quickly corrupted by rampant immorality, leaving only a select few with the fervour generated by faith to fight against it.

The Quran does not warn mankind in this instance against polytheism. The focus of attention instead is on moral corruption. Only a select band of true believers stand up against it.

Throughout history there have been those who resisted corruption in all its forms, be it mammon-worship or base desire. They remain ever ready to expose falsehood.

Compiled From:
"Guidance from the Holy Quran" - Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, pp. 163, 164