
Hajj, Nature of the Journey, Hajj Resources, Eid Al-Adha, Fard 'Ain

Issue 206 » January 24, 2003 - Zul-Qada 21, 1423


Living the Quran

Al Imran (The House of Imran)
Chapter 3: Verse 97

... Pilgrimage to this House (Kaba) is a duty owed to God by all people who are able to undertake it. As for those who disbelieve, God does not stand in need of anything in all the worlds.


The Necessity of Performing Hajj

This Ayah establishes the obligation of performing Hajj. There are many Hadiths that mention it as one of the pillars of Islam and this is agreed upon by the Muslims. Pilgrimage is a personal obligation on every individual once in a lifetime, and it becomes due when the conditions of ability are fulfilled, including physical health, ability to travel and safe passage.

Imam Ahmed recorded that Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) once gave a speech in which he said, "O people! Hajj has been enjoined on you, therefore perform Hajj." A man asked "Is it every year, O Allah's Messenger?" The Prophet remined silent until the question was repeated three times, then he said,"Had I said yes, it would have become an obligation and you would not have been able to fullfill it."

It is also recorded by Ibn Majah that a man asked, "What is the ability to undertake the journey, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet said, "Having provision and a means of transportation."

Imam Ahmed recorded that ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet said, "Whoever intends to perform Hajj, let him rush to perform it."

The One who denies the Neccessity of Hajj Becomes a Disbeliever

Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and several other commented on this Ayah by saying, "Whoever denies the necessity of Hajj becomes a disbeliever and Allah is far Richer than to need him." Al Hafiz Abu Bakr Al-Ismail recorded that Umar bin Al Khattab said, "Whoever can afford Hajj but did not perform it, there is no difference in his case if he dies a Jew or a Christian."

A Call To Unite On Pure Faith

Pilgrimage is the Muslims' annual general assembly which is held at the House from which their message was given to them for the first time, and which witnessed the birth of the pure faith of Abraham, their first father, and which was the first House God has set up on earth for His own worship. Pilgrimage is, therefore, an assembly of great significance. Its historical associations centre round the noble concept of faith, which highlights the link between man and his Creator. It is a worthy concept to form the basis for human unity. Hence, it is appropriate that people should assemble every year at the Sacred Place which witnessed the birth of this call to mankind to unite on pure faith.

[Adapted from Tafsir ibn Kathir (Abridged) Vol 2, pp 221-224 and "In the Shade of the Quran" by Sayyid Qutb, Vol 2, pp 152-153]

Hajj Special

Nature of the Journey for Hajj

The people of the world are usually aware of two kinds of journey.

One journey is that which is made to earn livelihood. The second one is that which is undertaken for pleasure and sight-seeing. In both [of] these journeys, a man is impelled to go abroad by his need and desire. He leaves home for a purpose of his own, he spends money or time for his own requirements, therefore, no question of sacrifice arises in such a journey.

But the position of this particular journey which is called Hajj is quite different from that of other journeys. This journey is not meant to gain any personal end or any desire of Nafs. It is intended solely for Allah, and for fulfillment of the duty prescribed by Allah.

No person can prepare himself to undertake this journey until and unless he has love of Allah in his heart as well as fear of Him, and feels strongly that the Fard (obligation) ordained by Allah is incumbent on him.

Therefore, whosoever sets out for Hajj parting from his family and relatives for a long period, allowing his business to suffer, spending money and bearing the rigors of the travel, he furnishes by his act of devotion a proof of the fact that there is in his heart fear of God and love for Him as also a sense of duty.

[It also indicates] that he possesses the strength to leave his home, when called upon to do so, for the cause of God, and that he can face hardships and willingly sacrifice his wealth and comfort for the pleasure of God.

[Taken from The Inner Dimensions of Hajj: Syed Abul Ala Maududi]

Hajj Resources

Some helpful links to know more about Hajj

Glossary of Islamic Terms

Eid Al-Adha

A four-day festival that completes the rites of pilgrimage and takes place on the 10th-13th of Dhul Hijjah. Literally means "the feast of the sacrifice." This feast commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's obedience to Allah by being prepared to sacrifice his only son Ismael, peace be on both of them. See Holy Quran, as-Saffat (37:100-103).

Fard 'Ain

An action which is obligatory on every Muslim.

[Taken from SoundVision.com's "Glossary of Islamic Terms"]