


From Issue: 488 [Read full issue]

Prepare for Ramadan

Have you noticed that each year, Ramadan goes by faster and faster? This blessed month can’t be left to become a blur in our memories. It has to be more than that time of the year we squeeze in fasting amongst the other things we do daily.

One way to make the most of Ramadan is to plan and prepare ourselves beforehand. Here are few resources that will help us prepare for Ramadan:

SoundVision.com's page on Ramadan
Tips and articles to make the planning easy for the entire family.

MuslimVille.com Ramadan Activities
Make it cool for kids.

IslamOnline.Net Ramadan 1428
Still useful.

Young Muslims Brochure
Ramadan: A Time for Revival or Survival? [read, download]
Ramadan: Un moment pour la renaissance ou la survie? [lire, download]