


From Issue: 573 [Read full issue]

Displeasure with Blame

Blame is not something we would naturally embrace. It runs against human nature to love it. But the problem is when the fear of blame is coupled with the urgent desire for praise and approval by others, which is often the case. Being concerned with "creation's opinion" places a barrier between a person and the station of ihsan, excellence in worship. This is considered a disease because the result is guiding one's actions in deference to the praise of people or in an attempt to avoid their blame or disapproval, irrespective of the integrity and soundness of one's actions.

If one worries about how people will receive him when he practices his faith, this can stop him from performing obligations. The fear of blame interferes with faith. Deeds that are done for the sake of God cannot share other intentions, namely, pleasing people or seeking their favour. Doing something for the sake of God is the manifestation of strong faith. Whether someone praises you or not is entirely inconsequential.

Compiled From:
"Purification of The Heart" - Hamza Yusuf, pp. 131-133